Sunday, October 24, 2010

Full of Praise and Thanksgiving!

Hello ALL!

It has been a while, and I apologize. School has gotten pretty busy. Mid terms have started... and they will never END. (Seriously, they are not going to stop until finals...)

However, I'm tired of reading right now, so I've decided to write and reflect on the past few weeks. Basically, I'm taking this opportunity to escape from school and reflect on the things that have brought me joy. =)

Thanksgiving was 2 weeks ago now I believe. That weekend was A LOT of fun. 

There was a big group of us (Caleb, Clara, Luke, Travis, Jackie and myself) and we headed out to Calgary to Clara's home. Her parents had prepared an AMAZING Thanksgiving dinner for us. WE WERE BLESSED.

The next day, they took us on a hike to Nihani Ridge. It was absolutely beautiful. We summit-ed the peak and it literally BLEW US AWAY! Seriously, the wind was so strong that we were knocked off our feet. 
Later we went back to Clara's home and were treated to a Korean BBQ! It was SO delicious. After dinner, we then headed out to Claresholm where Caleb's Mom and Dad have just moved to. Even though they had just moved, they kindly opened up their home to us and hosted us for yet ANOTHER Thanksgiving dinner. It was BEAUTIFUL! 

Needless to say, I felt truly blessed by both families. They opened up their homes and fed us amazing food and treated us like family. It was a gift to all of us and I was overwhelmed by their generosity.

The next weekend we were planning on having Jackie over to hang out. I opened the door for Jackie to come in and welcomed her to our home and then... SURPRISE! Melissa popped up from around the corner of my apartment building. We had NO idea that she coming... it was a CRAZY SURPRISE, but lovely to see a dear friend again.

That same weekend, I had been planning on dying my hair. I decided on a dark brown so now, I am officially a brunette!
Haha, it was a lot of fun to do!

But since I've been out here, God has been so FAITHFUL to me. I've been having a hard time with mid-terms and school and it has been causing me some stress and anxiety. In addition, my Oma's health has not been the best and I've been concerned about that and my Opa's situation because he's living without her right now. My Oma has been in the hospital for a while now (probably a week after I got here she was put into the hospital). She was pretty sick and that then turned into her having a hard time breathing and her heart was starting to act funny. There have been times since I've been out here where I've wanted to be at home to support my family. HOWEVER, throughout it all, God has supplied me with scripture that is full of his wisdom and He has blessed me with people in my life to pray with me, pray for me, encourage me and affirm me in why I am here. 

It has been easy to get discouraged by school, but through worship, prayer and scripture reading, I've only felt the Holy Spirit continually bless me. Jesus has blessed me with much LAUGHTER and JOY

All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. -John 14:25-27

In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God. -Romans 8:26-27

God is SO GOOD! Unbelievably GOOD! 
I miss you all and hope things are going well with you. 

Peace and Love brothers and sisters from Edmonton! <3
P.S: There were some flurries tonight... and soon, it will snow fo REALZ!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Feeling Like A Student

The time has come...

(It is not until these times when I start feeling like a University student. OH THE JOY!) =)

It is time to stay up late... make recipe cards for remembering definitions (all thanks to my geog 12 teacher)... remember key concepts and models... late night snack to keep the brain juices flowing... stretch... yawn... memorize... and LEARN!

But truly, I am getting an education and that in itself is a gift (even if it may not feel like it at times). I'm officially preparing for mid terms. I have 2 this coming week... one on Wednesday for Health Ed and one on Thursday for Ed Psych

Because my classes are so huge (200-300 students), my mid terms will consist of multiple choice questions as well as a true or false component. 

30% of my grade will depend on 40-50 multiple choice questions. I feel SO comforted... *did you catch the sarcasm?

I would prefer to write a paper that I can take my time on, however, I'm in University... it happens. 
I'm just looking forward to the weekend now. IT'S THANKSGIVING AND I'M GOING TO PARTY! Actually, I'm just going to be doing a lot of traveling and visiting with friends and their families. Both Clara and Caleb's parents have graciously opened up their homes to us for Thanksgiving. I believe there is 6 of us that are planning on going down to Calgary and then down to Clarsholm to visit their families. 

It shall be a grand adventure... but till then...